Sending a CD or DVD in for Mass Production: Some Important Suggestions

by | Nov 20, 2014 | Computer

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If you intend to mass produce a CD or DVD by sending it to a replication company, you’ll definitely want to know a few things in advance. Before you create a master copy, there are certain codes and settings that you’ll want to know about before you hit that burn button. CD and DVD replication companies are very precise, so you will be returned exactly what you sent to them. Here are a few suggestions to take note of in order to ensure that everything is perfect on your end:

Prepare the Codes – One thing that is vital to any CD replication service is a PQ subcode log. This code contains many important bits of information, such as track number and the start/stop times of each track. Most CD recording software supports PQ subcodes, allowing you to print a log to send in with your master disc, but if your software doesn’t then you should make a list on a piece of paper and send that instead. Be sure to write down and include all the information about each track. Next is the ISRC (International Standard Recording Code), if you’re recording a CD for a record label or want your music to be available digitally, then you need to supply ISRC information (a songs serial number, rightful owner, country of origin and year of release). This can normally be entered through a dialog box on most recording programs and the information is then written onto the disc when you burn it. Last but certainly not least, avoid errors by always burning your master disc all at once using the “Disc at Once” mode where available.

Absolute Perfection – When sending in a CD or DVD for replication you definitely don’t want any physical defects on the disc. No smudges, stains, fingerprints, and especially no scratches. The disc needs to be in perfectly pristine condition or there could be issues. Don’t send in master discs with labels on them, labels and their adhesives have been known to cause issues for the duplication technician! Use a felt-tip marker to write down your contact information, the date the master was made, and your name on the non-mirror side (the top) of the disc. Play through the entire disc and pay extremely close attention for anything you don’t want replicated en masse. It also wouldn’t hurt to create three master discs, send in two (in case something unknown to you occurs at the replication factory) and keep the third for yourself as a reference.

A quality CD/DVD replication service, like the one found at Arcube, can normally do much more for you than just duplicate your discs. Be sure to look at their packaging and pressing options. Prepare to be amazed by their turn-around times as well!

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