3 Things You Should Know About Minneapolis Web Development

by | Dec 17, 2018 | Digital Marketing

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There are three things you should know about Minneapolis web development that most people are not aware of. First and foremost, professional Minneapolis web development is vital if you want a professional web site. Most business owners agree that a professional website is a necessity for any industry if you want to stay current.

What Else You Should Know

There are three things that you may find shocking when it comes to web development:

  1. Source code affects search ranking
  2. A website that is only a few years old can be antiquated
  3. There is a difference between responsive design and mobile design

Source Code Affects Search Ranking

Google and other search engines depend on code to help users find relevant information. If your source code is not up to date it does not matter how great your website looks or performs, users will not be able to find it! Up to date code is imperative in users being able to locate your business.

Your Website Can Be Outdated

Even if your website is only a few years old, it may be outdated. Changes are happening quickly in web development and if you have an older page running, you may be at risk of not meeting the expectations of your audience. In some cases, your website can be freshened up with a few tweaks in other cases, it is best to start from scratch.

The Old Way of Doing Things

Today “responsive web development” is the only way to go. Responsive design means that your website looks and performs exactly that same across all mediums including smartphones, other mobile devices and laptops. Learn more about the changes in web development from Adapta Interactive Inc and learn how they can improve your web presence and keep your business current.

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